Yada, yada, yada...

Welcome to smalltalk.

Basically this is the sister blog to Tudya ( tudya.blogspot.com ), which are smaller in entry sizes and covers about petty, small, tabloid or even useless matter. It would be the exact opposite of Tudya. So... drop by if u want to take things lightly, because smalltalk takes it to the centrestage.

Thank you... and have a nice day!


Anitz@ | March 7, 2008 at 12:36 PM

Hi, my name is Anitza i am from Puerto Rico and i also born in
1987. You know what? i have the same feelings sometimes when i talk just few people pay me attention.
Since a few years ago I have been writing about anything that comes to mind. I was excited to open my new blog, for me writing is a therapy and also a way of showing my true self. Well i am sorry that my blog is in spanish and you could not read it but in a future i will write something in english. Have a nice day!