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Ambitious October Uprising. Its On!

Finally, I have ruled out a concrete guideline/roadmap/plans for my intermediate duration aim, It’s the October Uprising which I am referring to. A leap of stance which may be noticeable to my dear friends and saudaras. Yes, it is like a new year resolution, instead this one is made on second half or the year ( mid June ) which targets spanned on to October. The prime aim of OU would be “preparing the basis for a stable and solid relationship” in other words, I would have been prepared to usher new relationship by the target month. This basically means; a new relationship itself can start during October itself, perhaps later (2 or 3 months, but not early ), so, that is what OU prime target was.

Yet, the whole principle of OU itself is not wholly about having a lover by October, but it has aims to improvise myself as well, like killing birds with one stone, OU is indeed a self-improvising drive which aims were nothing more than leading to positivity of living. OU also moves beyond the individual boundaries. OU shall sees me improving ties with friends and winning the hearts and minds of my parents which seems declining since 2003. The first five aims that I have self-imposed inside OU are:-

  1. Less talk, more work: talking is actually revealing weakness. Instead of too much talking and moving lips with just hot air coming out, time can be compensated with actions which resulted in appreciation and respect.
  2. Live Frugal! : In the days where Malaysia living cost is spiking like durian thorns, there is nothing else than to cut cost and review the way of living to allow better savings and putting limited resources on vital, important and prioritized matters
  3. Courtesy + Caring: I get temperate easily, so I guess, I need to further have more caring and courtesy inside of me, to rejoice and expect a return which is much more fulfilling.
  4. Glasnost : Being frank in almost everything I tell, in the sense of hiding, non-pretentious and honest to everybody around me.
  5. Sporting : Indulge myself in more sporting activities, to keep the body fit and mind healthy.
Amongst the motto for OU are: "may the sun shine again", yet I have seen the possibilities of OU that went to extent of more than 'ending single life by October' as it would turn to be a 'tragedy october', so, I concluded that OU would be having periphery motto. Two of them, first is "rekindling hope, its on!" and the third is "a rush of fresh air awaits"

Well, October, here I come!